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  1. # Beasts and characters from mythology and legends
  2. #
  3. # Taken from AD&D games, Bulfinches Mythology, and
  4. # "A Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts", R. Barber & A. Riches, Walker & Co, NY
  5. #
  6. abaia
  7. abath
  8. achelous
  9. achilles
  10. achiyalabopa
  11. achlis
  12. acidblob
  13. acipenser
  14. adrastus
  15. aeschylus
  16. aeternae
  17. aetna
  18. afanc
  19. agape
  20. agapi
  21. ahuizotl
  22. aido
  23. aidohevedo
  24. aigamuchas
  25. airelemental
  26. aitvaras
  27. aja
  28. ajaekapad
  29. aker
  30. al
  31. alan
  32. alborak
  33. alburaq
  34. alcyone
  35. alcyoneus
  36. alecto
  37. alfil
  38. alicha
  39. allerion
  40. allocamelus
  41. aloadai
  42. alphyn
  43. alsvid
  44. altion
  45. alvand
  46. amarok
  47. ambize
  48. ammut
  49. amphiptere
  50. amphisbaena
  51. analopos
  52. anaskelades
  53. anaye
  54. angel
  55. angels
  56. angka
  57. angulo
  58. annwn
  59. anthias
  60. antlion
  61. anu
  62. anubis
  63. aphrodite
  64. apis
  65. apocrypha
  66. apollo
  67. apop
  68. apres
  69. apsaras
  70. apsu
  71. aptaleon
  72. arakho
  73. arcades
  74. arcadian
  75. archangel
  76. archangels
  77. archeologist
  78. areop
  79. areopenop
  80. arges
  81. argopelter
  82. argus
  83. ariadne
  84. arimaspi
  85. arion
  86. arrak
  87. artemis
  88. artemus
  89. arthur
  90. asgard
  91. ashozushta
  92. asmodeus
  93. assuit
  94. astarte
  95. astraea
  96. astrea
  97. atargatis
  98. athena
  99. athene
  100. attagen
  101. attracta
  102. auroch
  103. aurochs
  104. avanc
  105. avesta
  106. azael
  107. baalzebub
  108. bagwyn
  109. baku
  110. balios
  111. balrog
  112. balthazar
  113. baluchitherium
  114. bandersnatch
  115. banshee
  116. baphomet
  117. barbarian
  118. barbed
  119. barbeddevil
  120. bargvest
  121. barometz
  122. barrow
  123. barrowwight
  124. baryachre
  125. basadae
  126. basilisk
  127. bayard
  128. beaban
  129. behemoth
  130. bel
  131. belloc
  132. belmarduk
  133. bennu
  134. beowulf
  135. bergelmir
  136. bergfolk
  137. bhainsaura
  138. bialozar
  139. biasd
  140. biasdna
  141. biasdnasrogaig
  142. bicorne
  143. billdad
  144. bittern
  145. bjara
  146. blackdragon
  147. blacknaga
  148. blackpudding
  149. blackunicorn
  150. blatant
  151. blatantbeast
  152. blemyae
  153. bloodybones
  154. bluedragon
  155. bluejelly
  156. boabhan
  157. boabhansith
  158. bodach
  159. bogey
  160. bogeybeast
  161. bogeyman
  162. boggart
  163. bogle
  164. bonachus
  165. bonasus
  166. bonedevil
  167. bonnacon
  168. boobrie
  169. boojum
  170. borak
  171. borametz
  172. borogove
  173. borogroves
  174. brahmin
  175. brash
  176. brazen
  177. briareus
  178. brillig
  179. brobdinagians
  180. brollachan
  181. brontes
  182. brownie
  183. brownmold
  184. brownpudding
  185. bubastos
  186. bucca
  187. buccas
  188. bucu
  189. bugaboo
  190. bugbear
  191. bulchin
  192. bundahish
  193. bunyip
  194. burach
  195. burach-bhadi
  196. burachbhadi
  197. buraq
  198. busse
  199. bwbachod
  200. cadwallader
  201. caecus
  202. cailleach
  203. caladrius
  204. callicantzari
  205. callicantzaros
  206. calliope
  207. callirrhoe
  208. callitrice
  209. calopus
  210. calygreyhound
  211. camelopard
  212. camelopardel
  213. camelot
  214. cametennus
  215. cantharus
  216. cantzari
  217. cantzaros
  218. capacti
  219. capalus
  220. capricorn
  221. captain
  222. carnivorous
  223. carnivorousape
  224. catamount
  225. catfish
  226. catoblepas
  227. catoblepta
  228. caveman
  229. cavespider
  230. cavewoman
  231. ccoa
  232. cecith
  233. cecrops
  234. celphie
  235. centaur
  236. centaurs
  237. centycore
  238. cephus
  239. cerastes
  240. cerberus
  241. cetus
  242. ceyx
  243. chac
  244. chameleon
  245. chamnaill
  246. chamrosh
  247. chapula
  248. charadrius
  249. charon
  250. charus
  251. chatloup
  252. cheiron
  253. cheng
  254. cheng-hwang
  255. chenghwang
  256. cherruve
  257. cherub
  258. cherubim
  259. chesterbelloc
  260. chichevache
  261. chilin
  262. chimera
  263. chirn
  264. chronos
  265. chrysaor
  266. cinnamolgus
  267. circe
  268. circhos
  269. cirsith
  270. claygolem
  271. clio
  272. cockatrice
  273. cockfish
  274. conopenii
  275. corineus
  276. corocotta
  277. cottus
  278. crocotte
  279. crocuta
  280. crom
  281. crookelegs
  282. crumh
  283. cualgne
  284. cuero
  285. culhwch
  286. curupira
  287. cutercuss
  288. cyclops
  289. cynamolgi
  290. cynamolgus
  291. cynocephali
  292. cynocephalus
  293. dadhikravan
  294. dadjikra
  295. daedalus
  296. daedelus
  297. daemon
  298. danaan
  299. daoine
  300. daoinesidhe
  301. daoram
  302. deino
  303. delphyne
  304. demilich
  305. demogorgon
  306. dendain
  307. derceto
  308. devil
  309. dies
  310. diocletan
  311. direach
  312. dispater
  313. divis
  314. djinn
  315. djinni
  316. djinns
  317. dobie
  318. donn
  319. draci
  320. draconcopede
  321. draconcopedes
  322. dracus
  323. dragon
  324. drake
  325. drakes
  326. dryad
  327. dryads
  328. dustvortex
  329. dwarf
  330. dwarfking
  331. dwarflord
  332. dwarfs
  333. dwarves
  334. ea
  335. eale
  336. earth
  337. earthelemental
  338. easg
  339. easgsaint
  340. echidnehesperides
  341. ecidemon
  342. eel
  343. eitidh
  344. electric
  345. electriceel
  346. elemental
  347. elf
  348. elf-lord
  349. elfmummy
  350. elfzombie
  351. eller
  352. ellerwoman
  353. elvenking
  354. elves
  355. empusae
  356. energy
  357. energyvortex
  358. enfield
  359. enkidu
  360. enyo
  361. ephemerus
  362. ephialtes
  363. epidaurian
  364. epimacus
  365. erato
  366. ercine
  367. erechire
  368. ereshkigal
  369. erichthonius
  370. erinnyes
  371. erinyes
  372. eros
  373. erymanthos
  374. erymathus
  375. eschylus
  376. eternae
  377. etna
  378. ettin
  379. ettinmummy
  380. ettinzombie
  381. euterpe
  382. eye
  383. eymanthian
  384. facahn
  385. faerie
  386. faeries
  387. faery
  388. fafnir
  389. fairie
  390. fairies
  391. fairy
  392. falin
  393. fanesii
  394. fanesus
  395. faun
  396. fauns
  397. feifrefiz
  398. feng
  399. feng-hwang
  400. fenghwang
  401. fenris
  402. fenriswolf
  403. fetch
  404. fiend
  405. fingal
  406. fire
  407. fireant
  408. firedrake
  409. fireelemental
  410. firegiant
  411. firevortex
  412. flesh
  413. fleshgolem
  414. flitterbick
  415. floating
  416. floatingeye
  417. fog
  418. fogcloud
  419. fomorian
  420. fomorians
  421. forest
  422. forestcentaur
  423. formicoleon
  424. freezing
  425. freezingsphere
  426. frek
  427. freki
  428. freyja
  429. frost
  430. frostgiant
  431. frumious
  432. fungus
  433. fylgja
  434. gabriel
  435. gacanagh
  436. gaia
  437. gaibleanir
  438. galon
  439. ganapatihardiya
  440. ganconer
  441. gandareva
  442. gandharva
  443. gandharvas
  444. ganesha
  445. ganeshra
  446. ganga
  447. garasu
  448. gargouille
  449. gargoyle
  450. garm
  451. garter
  452. gartersnake
  453. garuda
  454. garudabird
  455. gawain
  456. gawaine
  457. gelatinous
  458. gelatinouscube
  459. gerahav
  460. geri
  461. geryon
  462. ghlinn
  463. ghost
  464. ghoul
  465. ghul
  466. ghulibeaban
  467. giant
  468. giantant
  469. giantbat
  470. giantbeetle
  471. gianteel
  472. giantmimic
  473. giantmummy
  474. giantrat
  475. giantspider
  476. giantzombie
  477. giddyfish
  478. gigelorum
  479. giles
  480. gillygaloo
  481. gimbal
  482. giol
  483. gioldaoram
  484. girtablili
  485. giza
  486. gizdhubar
  487. gizeh
  488. glas
  489. glasgaibleanir
  490. glastig
  491. glawackus
  492. gleipner
  493. gligamesh
  494. glollinkambi
  495. glooscap
  496. gnome
  497. gnomeking
  498. gnomelord
  499. gnomemummy
  500. gnomezombie
  501. gnomish
  502. gnomishwizard
  503. goatfete
  504. goblin
  505. gog
  506. gogmagog
  507. golden
  508. goldennaga
  509. golem
  510. gollinkambi
  511. goofang
  512. gorgon
  513. gotama
  514. graeae
  515. graydragon
  516. grayooze
  517. grayunicorn
  518. green
  519. green-elf
  520. greendragon
  521. greenmold
  522. greenteeth
  523. gremian
  524. gremlin
  525. gremlins
  526. grendel
  527. grey-elf
  528. griffeth
  529. griffin
  530. grylio
  531. gryphon
  532. guard
  533. guardian
  534. guardiannaga
  535. guduna
  536. gudunna
  537. gueniviere
  538. guirivulu
  539. guivre
  540. gullinbursti
  541. gulon
  542. gumberoo
  543. guyanoosa
  544. guyascutus
  545. gwain
  546. gwaine
  547. gweniviere
  548. gwinter
  549. gwragedd
  550. gwyn
  551. gwynapnudd
  552. gyes
  553. gyre
  554. hades
  555. hafgygr
  556. hairymeg
  557. halcyon
  558. hamadryad
  559. hamadryads
  560. haniver
  561. hanuman
  562. haokah
  563. harpies
  564. harpy
  565. hatchling
  566. hathor
  567. haug
  568. haugbui
  569. havfine
  570. heabani
  571. healer
  572. hecate
  573. hedley
  574. hedleykow
  575. hel
  576. heliodromos
  577. heliopolis
  578. hell
  579. hellhound
  580. henziz
  581. hera
  582. hermes
  583. hezrou
  584. hidebehind
  585. hildirisin
  586. hildisvin
  587. hill
  588. hillgiant
  589. hillorc
  590. hippocampus
  591. hippocentaur
  592. hippocerf
  593. hippocrene
  594. hippodamia
  595. hippogriff
  596. hippogryph
  597. hiyakudori
  598. hob
  599. hobbit
  600. hobgoblin
  601. hobhole
  602. hobthrush
  603. hodag
  604. hoenir
  605. holzfrau
  606. homocane
  607. homunculus
  608. hoo
  609. hoopsnake
  610. horned
  611. horneddevil
  612. hornworm
  613. horus
  614. hound
  615. houri
  616. housecat
  617. houyhnhnm
  618. hozjin
  619. hraesvelg
  620. hrimfaxi
  621. hrodvitnir
  622. hrothgar
  623. hsiao
  624. hsing
  625. hsingtien
  626. hu
  627. huahu
  628. huahutiao
  629. huginn
  630. huldra
  631. huldras
  632. hulk
  633. human
  634. humanmummy
  635. humanzombie
  636. humbaba
  637. humma
  638. hunkus
  639. huppe
  640. hwang
  641. hydra
  642. hydrippus
  643. hyman
  644. hyman topodes
  645. iarnvithja
  646. icaros
  647. icarus
  648. ice
  649. icedevil
  650. icetroll
  651. icevortex
  652. ichthyocentaur
  653. iffrit
  654. ifrit
  655. ihuaivulu
  656. imp
  657. impaler
  658. incubus
  659. innungagap
  660. io
  661. iphigenia
  662. iphimedia
  663. ipopodes
  664. irizima
  665. irongolem
  666. ironpiercer
  667. isa
  668. ishtar
  669. isolde
  670. ivithja
  671. ixion
  672. jabberwock
  673. jackal
  674. jackalwere
  675. jaguar
  676. jalpan
  677. jappa
  678. jeduah
  679. jelly
  680. jerff
  681. jinn
  682. jinni
  683. jinns
  684. jinshin
  685. jinshinuwo
  686. jormungandr
  687. jotunheim
  688. jubjub
  689. juiblex
  690. jumar
  691. juno
  692. kakmora
  693. kamaitachi
  694. kaptain
  695. karfish
  696. karga
  697. kargas
  698. kaukas
  699. kelpie
  700. keresaspa
  701. keystone
  702. keystonekop
  703. khubilgan
  704. khumbaba
  705. kiau
  706. kilin
  707. killer
  708. killerbee
  709. king
  710. kinnara
  711. kirni
  712. kirtimukha
  713. kitten
  714. knei
  715. knight
  716. kobold
  717. koboldlord
  718. koboldmummy
  719. koboldshaman
  720. koboldzombie
  721. koori
  722. kop
  723. kopkaptain
  724. koplieutenant
  725. kopsergeant
  726. kraken
  727. kreutzet
  728. krni
  729. kronos
  730. kudan
  731. kukulkan
  732. kulili
  733. kundrav
  734. kylin
  735. lamassus
  736. lamia
  737. lamiae
  738. lampeia
  739. lancelot
  740. lapith
  741. lapiths
  742. largecat
  743. largedog
  744. largekobold
  745. largemimic
  746. launcelot
  747. lavellan
  748. leathergolem
  749. lemer
  750. lemers
  751. lemure
  752. leocrotta
  753. leontophonus
  754. leprechaun
  755. lernean
  756. leucrotta
  757. leviathan
  758. lich
  759. lieutenant
  760. light
  761. lilliputians
  762. lindorm
  763. little
  764. littledog
  765. lofriska
  766. lokapala
  767. loki
  768. long
  769. longworm
  770. lord
  771. loyres
  772. lucidius
  773. lucifer
  774. lufferlang
  775. lumerpa
  776. lungwang
  777. lurikeen
  778. lurker
  779. lurkerabove
  780. lybbarde
  781. lycaon
  782. lykopolis
  783. lympago
  784. lyonpoisson
  785. lyonsbane
  786. mabon
  787. mabonmamodron
  788. mad
  789. madscientist
  790. magera
  791. magog
  792. mahomet
  793. mail
  794. maildaemon
  795. makara
  796. manabozho
  797. manabush
  798. manasa
  799. mandrake
  800. manes
  801. mantichora
  802. manticore
  803. manticory
  804. mantiserra
  805. mantocore
  806. mara
  807. marduk
  808. margygr
  809. maricomorion
  810. marilith
  811. martlet
  812. master
  813. masterlich
  814. matsaya
  815. maugmolach
  816. mazainyan
  817. mbembe
  818. mechanic
  819. medea
  820. medusa
  821. melpomene
  822. melusine
  823. memecoleous
  824. merlin
  825. mermaid
  826. merrow
  827. merrows
  828. merrymaid
  829. meshekenabec
  830. metacollinarum
  831. microbe
  832. midgard
  833. miehts
  834. miehtshozjin
  835. milamo
  836. mimic
  837. mimick
  838. mimsy
  839. minocane
  840. minos
  841. minotaur
  842. mirmecoleon
  843. mixcoatl
  844. moccasin
  845. modron
  846. mokele
  847. mokelembembe
  848. mold
  849. mole
  850. mome
  851. monicodiata
  852. monoceros
  853. monoscelans
  854. monster
  855. mooseweibel
  856. mordor
  857. mordororc
  858. mordred
  859. morgana
  860. morholt
  861. moruach
  862. moruadh
  863. mountain
  864. mountaincentaur
  865. mountainnymph
  866. muircartach
  867. mumakil
  868. mummy
  869. muninn
  870. murrisk
  871. mushrush
  872. mushussu
  873. musimon
  874. musimus
  875. muspill
  876. muyans
  877. myrmadon
  878. myrmedon
  879. myrmex
  880. myrmidon
  881. nacken
  882. naga
  883. nagaloka
  884. nagas
  885. nagini
  886. naiad
  887. naiads
  888. nakk
  889. nakki
  890. nalfeshnee
  891. nandi
  892. narasinha
  893. narwhal
  894. nauru
  895. nazgul
  896. nependis
  897. nereid
  898. nereids
  899. nesnas
  900. nessus
  901. nidhogg
  902. niflheim
  903. nimurta
  904. ninevah
  905. niont
  906. nisidia
  907. nisse
  908. nix
  909. nixie
  910. nuckelavee
  911. nun
  912. nunyenunc
  913. nurse
  914. nykur
  915. nymph
  916. nymphs
  917. oannes
  918. oceanide
  919. oceanides
  920. ochre
  921. ochrejelly
  922. odin
  923. odontotyrannus
  924. odysseus
  925. oedipus
  926. ogoncho
  927. ogre
  928. ogreking
  929. ogrelord
  930. olog-hai
  931. oni
  932. onniont
  933. onocentaur
  934. ooze
  935. ophois
  936. opinicus
  937. oracle
  938. orange
  939. orangedragon
  940. orc
  941. orc-captain
  942. orcmummy
  943. orcrist
  944. orcshaman
  945. orcus
  946. orczombie
  947. oread
  948. oreads
  949. oresteia
  950. orestes
  951. orthos
  952. osiris
  953. osquip
  954. ossa
  955. otos
  956. ovda
  957. owlbear
  958. padfoot
  959. pajar
  960. palesmurt
  961. pan
  962. panku
  963. pantheon
  964. panthera
  965. papillon
  966. papstesel
  967. para
  968. parande
  969. parandrus
  970. partessus
  971. pasiphae
  972. pegasi
  973. pegasus
  974. pegpowler
  975. peist
  976. pekhet
  977. pelion
  978. pelops
  979. peluda
  980. pemphredo
  981. pendragon
  982. peredur
  983. perseus
  984. pheng
  985. phillylo
  986. phineus
  987. phoenix
  988. phooka
  989. phykis
  990. piasa
  991. picktree
  992. picktreebrag
  993. piercer
  994. pingfeng
  995. pit
  996. pitfiend
  997. pitviper
  998. plains
  999. plainscentaur
  1000. pleiades
  1001. polyhymna
  1002. polyphemus
  1003. pontarf
  1004. pooka
  1005. portunes
  1006. poseidon
  1007. potharni
  1008. priest
  1009. priestess
  1010. prion
  1011. prirthous
  1012. prock
  1013. prockgwinter
  1014. prometheus
  1015. pudding
  1016. puk
  1017. pup
  1018. purple
  1019. purpleworm
  1020. pwca
  1021. pyong
  1022. pyragones
  1023. pyrallis
  1024. pyrausta
  1025. python
  1026. qiqion
  1027. quantum
  1028. quantummechanic
  1029. quasit
  1030. quechua
  1031. queen
  1032. queenbee
  1033. questingbeast
  1034. quetzalcoatl
  1035. quivering
  1036. quiveringblob
  1037. rabican
  1038. rabid
  1039. rabidrat
  1040. ragnarok
  1041. rahu
  1042. raiden
  1043. raksasas
  1044. rameagle
  1045. rat
  1046. ratatosk
  1047. rath
  1048. ratramnus
  1049. ratwere
  1050. rawhead
  1051. red
  1052. redcap
  1053. reddragon
  1054. redmold
  1055. rednaga
  1056. reem
  1057. remora
  1058. ricabook
  1059. ricabooracker
  1060. rigi
  1061. rinjin
  1062. roc
  1063. rock
  1064. rockmole
  1065. rockpiercer
  1066. rocktroll
  1067. rogue
  1068. rok
  1069. rompo
  1070. rope
  1071. ropegolem
  1072. roperite
  1073. rosualt
  1074. rothe
  1075. rukh
  1076. rumptifusel
  1077. rust
  1078. rustmonster
  1079. saehrimnir
  1080. safat
  1081. saggitarius
  1082. sahab
  1083. salamander
  1084. samurai
  1085. sarabha
  1086. sargon
  1087. sasbonsam
  1088. satyr
  1089. satyral
  1090. satyre
  1091. satyrefish
  1092. satyrs
  1093. scaipod
  1094. schrat
  1095. sciapodia
  1096. sciapods
  1097. scientist
  1098. scitalis
  1099. scolopendra
  1100. scorpion
  1101. scylla
  1102. scythian
  1103. seaserpent
  1104. secundille
  1105. sedus
  1106. sekamet
  1107. semiramis
  1108. semuru
  1109. senmurv
  1110. seraph
  1111. seraphim
  1112. sergeant
  1113. serra
  1114. sesha
  1115. seth
  1116. seti
  1117. sevienda
  1118. sewer
  1119. sewerrat
  1120. shagamaw
  1121. shahapet
  1122. shaman
  1123. shmoo
  1124. shoney
  1125. shopkeeper
  1126. shriker
  1127. shrovetide
  1128. shuck
  1129. sidhe
  1130. simurgh
  1131. siren
  1132. sirens
  1133. sirrush
  1134. sisiutl
  1135. skinfaxi
  1136. skoffin
  1137. skogsfru
  1138. slamander
  1139. sleipnir
  1140. slidringtanni
  1141. slithy
  1142. small
  1143. smallmimic
  1144. smierragatto
  1145. snake
  1146. snark
  1147. soldier
  1148. soldierant
  1149. sooner
  1150. soonerdog
  1151. sphere
  1152. sphinx
  1153. spider
  1154. spotted
  1155. spottedjelly
  1156. spriggan
  1157. squonk
  1158. srogaig
  1159. srvara
  1160. ssuling
  1161. stalker
  1162. steam
  1163. steamvortex
  1164. stellone
  1165. steropes
  1166. stirge
  1167. stirges
  1168. stone
  1169. stonegiant
  1170. stonegolem
  1171. straw
  1172. strawgolem
  1173. stringe
  1174. stringes
  1175. stymphalian
  1176. stymphalus
  1177. su
  1178. succubus
  1179. sumargh
  1180. swamfisck
  1181. takujui
  1182. talos
  1183. tanagra
  1184. tanuki
  1185. taotieh
  1186. tarandrus
  1187. tarasque
  1188. tarn
  1189. tartarus
  1190. tatsu
  1191. tauris
  1192. taurt
  1193. taurus
  1194. teakettler
  1195. templar
  1196. temple
  1197. templepriest
  1198. templepriestess
  1199. tengu
  1200. terpsichore
  1201. terrobuli
  1202. thalia
  1203. thingut
  1204. thoth
  1205. thunderbird
  1206. tiamat
  1207. tichiang
  1208. tienkou
  1209. tisiphone
  1210. titan
  1211. titanothere
  1212. tityron
  1213. tityrus
  1214. tlaloc
  1215. topodes
  1216. tourist
  1217. tove
  1218. toves
  1219. tragopan
  1220. trapper
  1221. tripoderoo
  1222. tristan
  1223. triton
  1224. troll
  1225. trolls
  1226. trywth
  1227. tsuchi
  1228. tsuchigumo
  1229. tuatha
  1230. tuathadedanaan
  1231. tuathadedananaan
  1232. tulihand
  1233. twas
  1234. twrch
  1235. twrchtrywth
  1236. tygre
  1237. typhon
  1238. tyr
  1239. ubastet
  1240. uilebheist
  1241. umber
  1242. umberhulk
  1243. unarmored
  1244. unarmoredsoldier
  1245. unicorn
  1246. unicorne
  1247. unnati
  1248. unycorn
  1249. unycorne
  1250. urania
  1251. uranian
  1252. uranos
  1253. uranus
  1254. urisk
  1255. uruk
  1256. uruk-hai
  1257. urukhai
  1258. urus
  1259. uther
  1260. vaettrar
  1261. valhalla
  1262. valkyrie
  1263. valtar
  1264. vamana
  1265. vampire
  1266. vampirebat
  1267. vampirelord
  1268. varaha
  1269. varengan
  1270. varuna
  1271. vedic
  1272. violet
  1273. violetfungus
  1274. viper
  1275. vishap
  1276. vishnu
  1277. vithafnir
  1278. vlad
  1279. vortex
  1280. vorys
  1281. vorysmort
  1282. vourukasha
  1283. vrock
  1284. vrtra
  1285. vulcan
  1286. vuokho
  1287. vyantaras
  1288. wabe
  1289. waldmannlein
  1290. warg
  1291. water
  1292. waterdemon
  1293. waterelemental
  1294. watermoccasin
  1295. waternymph
  1296. watertroll
  1297. wayzgoose
  1298. werejackal
  1299. wererat
  1300. werewolf
  1301. werewolves
  1302. white
  1303. whitedragon
  1304. whiteunicorn
  1305. wight
  1306. winter
  1307. winterwolf
  1308. wivre
  1309. wizard
  1310. wodewose
  1311. wolf
  1312. wolfwere
  1313. wood
  1314. woodgolem
  1315. woodland-elf
  1316. woodnymph
  1317. woodwife
  1318. woodwives
  1319. woolyhen
  1320. worm
  1321. wraith
  1322. wumpus
  1323. wyvern
  1324. xan
  1325. xanthos
  1326. xiphius
  1327. xorn
  1328. yahoo
  1329. yahoos
  1330. yale
  1331. yali
  1332. yata
  1333. yatagarasu
  1334. yeenoghu
  1335. yellow
  1336. yellowdragon
  1337. yellowlight
  1338. yellowmold
  1339. yendor
  1340. yeti
  1341. yffrit
  1342. yfrit
  1343. ygdrasil
  1344. yggdrasil
  1345. yggdrasill
  1346. ygrain
  1347. ygraine
  1348. ylio
  1349. yllerion
  1350. ymir
  1351. ypotain
  1352. ypotryll
  1353. ysbaddaden
  1354. ysgithyrwyn
  1355. zeus
  1356. ziphius
  1357. ziz
  1358. zolostraya
  1359. zombie
  1360. zoroastrian
  1361. zruty
  1362. zu
  1363. zushta